Mentoring program

What are the benefits of participating in the mentoring program?

Members participating in the program as apprentices enjoy the following benefits:

  • The possibility to acquire practical translation experience.
  • The opportunity to receive WWA feedback from mentors (as well as project feedback in the Project history section).
  • The chance to add mentors as referrals.
  • Special discounts on some training sessions. Please submit a support request for more details.

Certified PROs acting as mentors have the following benefits:

  • The possibility to distinguish themselves as experts while possibly finding new partners for growing their translation team.
  • Name and business promotion throughout the site (in the future, there will be a designated page for all mentors with a brief bio-section). 
  • A special "Professional mentor" tag in the "About me" section of their profile (this tag will eventually show under your profile name as well).
  • The possibility to enter projects they work on with apprentices into their Project history and to display corroboration feedback posted by the apprentice.
  • Two months of membership (to be activated once they complete the defined mentoring period with each apprentice).
  • Special discounts on some training sessions. Please submit a support request for more details.