Native speaker app

Native speaker app FAQs

Q: What will happen if I click “call now”?

A: You will be connected by video call to a native speaker of a language of your choice (English, French or Spanish)


Q: Will this cost me money?
A: At the moment, your first call is free. Following that first call you will be asked to pay next time you wish to make a call. 


Q: How do I pay for a call? 

A: Go through the motions like you are making a call. You will be prompted to pay and will see a typical payment form so that you can pay before the second call takes place. 


Q: I am not learning any of those three languages, will others be available? 

A: This program is in its “pilot phase” and at the moment we only support English French and Spanish, but we will expand in the future.  


Q: What does “working languages” mean

A: Many of our native speakers are language industry professionals such as translators or interpreters. Their working languages are other languages they provide services in, which are not their native language.


Q: Why can I see “working languages”

A: If you so choose, you can look for people who work or have some background knowledge of your native language or other languages you have some command of. If the language you wish to practice in is new to you, the partner may be able to help you if they know some of your language. This does not mean that they are obligated to do work in this language or have an extended conversation in their working language other than their native language.


Q: I want to practice but I do not know what to talk about.

A: Native speakers have a list of favorite topics of theirs which is a good jumping off point. That being said, you could have a short conversation about anything you’d like. Native speakers are good at connecting and communicating with language learners and have been in your shoes many times before. 


Q: How can I myself apply to be a native speaker?
A: Our native speakers are from a professional pool at called the “Native speaker conversation partner” pool. If you would like to submit an application to be part of the pool, you can do so here:


Q: What type of technology do I need to connect to a native speaker or to a language learner using this platform?
A: You will need a working webcam and microphone, and you will need to use a computer or laptop. Though we hope to expand in the future, phones are not supported by our site at this time. 


Q: I am a native speaker, how will I be paid?

A: Money will appear in your ProZ wallet after a period of time.