Profile: CV/resume

How do I update/edit/replace my present CV/resume?

To update your CV, go to the Personalization section of your Profile Updater and scroll down to the CV/Resume section. Click on Delete next to the CV you want to update. Once removed, upload the new version of your CV by selecting the language in which your CV is written from the Upload another CV in the drop-down menu and clicking on the Browse button to search your computer's file system for the document you wish to upload. 

Once you have chosen the document, check the agreement box and select a visibility permission for your CV. Finally, click on the Save and update profile button.

Make sure your CV is in .txt, .pdf, .doc, .docx, or .rtf format, and is no larger than 250 KB. If you are a full member your CV may be up to 2 MB large.

Also, remember that uses multiple web servers to handle user traffic. When you upload anything via the Profile Updater page, it may take several minutes to become visible.