Posting jobs at

What are the keys to getting a good response to my posting? What else should I bear in mind?

When posting a job, it is important to be as descriptive as possible with regard to the nature of the work, as well as your requirements for service providers.

In addition, it is very important that you supply complete information about yourself and/or your company. The best service providers are in high demand, and will generally not pursue jobs with questionable clients. Complete contact details, and perhaps a brief history of your company, may help you to kick off mutually beneficial relationships with top professionals.

Jobs posted should respect the principle of equal opportunity.

Please do not post jobs on behalf of third parties.

Please note that the contact details marked as mandatory on the Job Posting Form must be completed in each case - job postings with incomplete details will be removed by staff.

Where possible, jobs involving multiple language combinations should be aggregated using the corresponding function available on the Job Posting Form.