Billing and payment
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  2. Billing and payment

Could I submit a payment via TransferWise or MoneyGram?

If you would like to submit a payment via  TransferWise or MoneyGram, please direct the payment using these bank details:

Receiver's City and State: Syracuse, NY 13202
Bank Name: J.P. Morgan Chase
Bank Routing Number: 022300173
Bank Account Number: 483500460665
Account holder:

Then, submit a support request stating this payment has been sent, with all corresponding transaction details. staff will verify receipt of payment and grant your membership. 

Please note that staff must manually grant your membership. Because of this, we ask that you use these payment methods as a secondary option for submitting payments to Recommended payment methods include credit card (directly on, or using and PayPal.

Additional services may allow payment through bank transfer. If so, these same instructions should apply. Please check with your service provider and be sure to confirm receipt with staff.