In order to be sure that your job notifications are set up properly, please follow these steps:
- Make sure that your services for each language pair reflect the services you offer in that combination, here: . Remember that if you do not select the service for a language pair, you may not receive a notification for such a job.
- Make sure that you have reported in your profile the required field of expertise for the jobs you want to apply for. The "Expertise" area of your profile can be edited from the "Services" tab of the Profile updater:
- Then, edit your email notification preferences. Please go to Settings > Email Preferences in your profile page: —and select the Job Notifications tab to select more or fewer job notifications:
- Make sure that the "Classic" job posting notifications for freelancers are set to "On" and that the "Pair-specific Preferences" are set to "Immediate alerts". Check again that your job notifications for each language pair are correctly set up with the fields that you wish to be notified of. Please feel free to check the blog post: "Are you receiving language job notifications via -
- Please note that if you tick the box “Do not send me notifications of jobs that are below my minimum rates” you will probably receive fewer job notifications:
- If you believe your settings are correct, what you can do is check if emails from are not being spam-filtered or contact your email provider to ensure that all messages sent from are being "white-listed" and that they are not having any temporary email delivery problems. Additionally, you may add the domain to your list of safe senders (please check the following link for more information )
- Moreover, if you see a job post which you consider that you should have received the notification for but you did not, please check these areas before contacting site staff:
Job poster restrictions
Language Pairs / Services
Native language required
Expertise/General Fields
Credentials Verified
Style/Service of job
- If, after you have compared your preferences/settings with the outsourcer's requirements, you do not see a reason for not having received a notification for the job(s) in question, please send a support request with the specific job URL(s):